plexis-js / plexis

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Feature: `padRight/ rpad` #113

AngelGzS opened this issue · comments

Pads the input text from right to a new length.

padRight ('Foo Bar', 1); // => 'Foo Bar'
padRight ('Foo Bar', 8); // => 'Foo Bar '
padRight ('Foo Bar', 8, '*'); // => 'Foo Bar*'
padRight ('Foo Bar', 10, '*'); // => 'Foo Bar***'
padRight ('Foo Bar', 10, '123'); // => 'Foo Bar123'
padRight ('Foo Bar', 9, '123'); // => 'Foo Bar12'


import padRight from '@plexis/pad-right';
import {padRight, rpad} from 'plexis';

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Is it safe for me to assume that I could work on this one? 7flash said they would take it 7 months ago .

Yes you can take it.