pledbrook / lazybones

A simple project creation tool that uses packaged project templates.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The String Literal "\n" gets transformed into a new line.

AndrewReitz opened this issue · comments

I have out.write("\n"); in a template file. When creating a new project from this template. The out.write("\n"); is changed to


This is just one of those things when using the default Groovy template engine. You need to escape any $ and \ in the template. I'll keep this open as a documentation issue.

In your particular case, you can either use out.write("\\n") or switch to Handlebars JavaScript templates, which don't have the same requirement. I lean towards using Handlebars for templates of Java and Groovy source files.

Thanks, this makes a lot of sence. I've been doing replacements in files that have $, but switching the template engine seems a lot easier.