playwright-community / jest-playwright

Running tests using Jest & Playwright

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[Feature request] Running tests suites on multiples chromium browser with different executablePath

PaulRosset opened this issue · comments

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I would like to run tests in multiple similar environments.

For example, I would like to my test suite on Google Chrome thanks to the executablePath but also on Chromium Edge with a new executablePath

But I can't do that since it accepts only one instance of chromium based browser.

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Running the same test suites on multiple same types of browsers with a different executablePath.

@PaulRosset got your point and i just need to think about this feature. Maybe browsers should an array of object instead of string.

// jest-playwright.config
  browsers: [
      browserType: 'chromium',
      // options here, like here
      launchOptions: {

yes, I was also thinking about that in terms of API.

It would allow us to consider firefox, webkit, and chromium only as "base" browser and allow us to fully use the power of executablePath.

Looks promising!