platinummonkey / rexpro-python

Python RexPro Interface

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IncompleteRexProRequestException: Message envelope is incomplete

edi-bice opened this issue · comments

I get a ton of these in titan-server-0.4.4/log/rextitan.log:

Grizzly(3)] WARN com.tinkerpop.rexster.protocol.filter.RexProServerFilter - com.tinkerpop.rexster.protocol.server.IncompleteRexProRequestException: Message envelope is incomplete. Message length set to 4617 but the buffer only contains 1448

I assume it belongs here since I'm using rexpro-python (0.3.3) on the client to submit requests to the server where I'm seeing these.

Interesting, I've never seen this myself, do you happen to know what query is being sent? (is it supposed to be the former or latter?)

How can I tell? Do you know of any settings I can turn on server-side to see the query? I will look myself as well. FYI, upgraded to the latest rexpro-python package in DEV going against titan-server-0.4.4 as well and haven't seen the "envelope is incomplete" warning yet.

hm, wondering if there was just some msgpack formatting issue?

@edi-bice I think this issue might have been resolved with the help of #19

@platinummonkey I am no longer using and can't verify - closing.