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socket.write(byte[]) does not work

cool2man opened this issue · comments

My code looks like:

socket = new Socket(host, port);
streamOut = new BufferedOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());
byte[] b = new byte[] { 0x33, 0x66, (byte) 0x99, (byte) 0xcc };

This results into sending ONE byte (which is 0x00) instead of the FOUR bytes.

Having a look into websock.js I noticed a problem in the following function:

function send(arr) {
    Util.Debug(">> send_array: " + arr);
    sQ = sQ.concat(arr);
    return flush();

sQ is an empty array, while arr is an Uint8Array. Therefore sQ.concat(arr) results into an array with ONE entry which is the complete Uint8Array arr (and not in an array with 4 entries).

I changed the send function for my testing:

function send(arr) {
    Util.Debug(">> send_array: " + arr);
    // sQ = sQ.concat(arr);
    for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
    return flush();

I think, that doppio should take care, that the parameter "arr" is of type array and not Unint8Array.

Yeah; because I never added automated tests for them, sockets gradually became broken and nobody noticed.

I began fixing sockets in this PR, but ran out of time to completely fix them. I'd like to return to the PR sometime to get them in ship-shape.

If you have any inclination to fix them yourself, let me know! I'd happily let you take over the PR.

I would invest the time to take over the PR - but my experience is too weak. I will try to fix the socket stuff for my use case (quick & half blind & dirty) and will you keep informed what I did.

This is my version of socketWrite0 which works well for me:

    public static 'socketWrite0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;[BII)V'(thread: JVMThread, javaThis: JVMTypes.java_net_SocketOutputStream, fd: JVMTypes.java_io_FileDescriptor, b: JVMTypes.JVMArray<number>, offset: number, len: number): void {
      var impl = <JVMTypes.java_net_PlainSocketImpl> javaThis['java/net/SocketOutputStream/impl'];
      if (impl.$is_shutdown === true) {
        thread.throwNewException('Ljava/io/IOException;', 'Socket is shutdown.');
      } else if (impl.$ws.get_raw_state() !== WebSocket.OPEN) {
        thread.throwNewException('Ljava/io/IOException;', 'Connection isn\'t open');
      } else {
        var a : any = [];
        for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
        setImmediate(() => {

lines 8 to 12 were added/changed