plasma-umass / Mesh

A memory allocator that automatically reduces the memory footprint of C/C++ applications.

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Miniheap pairs are not properly checked for isMeshingCandidate()

Corillian opened this issue · comments

While meshing all size classes the meshFound callback only checks one of the miniheaps for each miniheap pair if it is a meshing candidate.

if (std::get<0>(miniheaps)->isMeshingCandidate() && std::get<0>(miniheaps)->isMeshingCandidate())

should be:

if (std::get<0>(miniheaps)->isMeshingCandidate() && std::get<1>(miniheaps)->isMeshingCandidate())

wow, great find. It looks like I fat-fingered this in a refactor at the end of 2017:

thanks @Corillian ! amazing find