plapointe6 / EspMQTTClient

Wifi and MQTT handling for ESP8266 and ESP32

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Compilation for Wemos D1 fails.

paysan18 opened this issue · comments

I try to use the EspMQTTclient library on a Wemos D1 mini.
Got the message: Error compiling for board LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 & mini.

Can this problem get fixed please?

The library compile for me with a D1 Mini. Please give me more details about the error message.

Hello Plapointe, this is all I got. I’m running the Arduino 1.8.13 on a Debian OS on a Raspberry-PI4. The Wemos is connected to the PI4 via a USB cable. When I leave out the #include EspMQTTclient.h there is no problem and the code is uploaded to the Wemos and runs.

I'm also seeing an error when compiling for ESP-01 when compiling SimpleMQTTClient.ino:

/home/USER/Arduino/libraries/EspMQTTClient/src/EspMQTTClient.cpp: In member function 'void EspMQTTClient::onWiFiConnectionLost()':
/home/USER/Arduino/libraries/EspMQTTClient/src/EspMQTTClient.cpp:358:10: error: 'class MDNSResponder' has no member named 'end'
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Generic ESP8266 Module.

It's quite odd, I am not able to reproduce this issue on my side.

Can you reply with the version of the esp8266 core you use ?

A quick workaround for now could be to open EspMQTTClient.cpp and comment line no. 358 MDNS.end();

Problem solved.
Cause of the problem was pubsubclient was not found.
It was located local. After moving it to the Arduino/libraries/ problem was gone.

Great 👍