planaria / dmc

Dual Marching Cubes Implementation in C++

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[Q] Hello, I have some questions

trsh opened this issue · comments


Can you tell a bit more about your project? What features does it include, what is probably missing (sharp edge preservation?). For example I don't see QEF's being used, what is pointed out in the doc. Thank you!

This project includes sharp edge preservation, but doesn't include sliver elimination.

QEF is a function used only for optimization.
The following line calculate optimization based on QEF.

I remembered that I used modified function because I could not calculate practical poinit by using the original QEF in the article.
I could be wrong.

Thank you.


@planaria thank you for getting back!

The "sliver elimination"- how hard would be to apply it to your code?

For QEF this line you pointed out: Eigen::Matrix<scalar_type, 4, 1> x = a.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV).solve(b); ? Can you bit explain how it works and what it does?

Sorry, I don't know the detail about sliver elimination other than what is written in the paper.

This line solves least squares method to minimize QEF.