pkvarnwal / GitCommands

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

List of Git commands

  • Git installer : Download the Git installer for Mac/Linux/Windows and follow the prompts to install Git
  • git --version: Open a terminal and verify the installation was successful by typing git --version
    • $ git --version: git version 2.9.2
  • git config --global "Prinsu Kumar":
    • git config --global "" Configure your Git username and email using the following commands, replacing Prinsu's name with your own. These details will be associated with any commits that you create:
    • git clone Copy the repo link and paste it on your terminal with git clone repo, then press enter.
    • git init: To initialise the repo.
  • git status : To check status
  • git add . : To add all files
  • git add FilePath : To add specific file
  • git commit -m "Desc" : To commit added files
  • git push origin branch : To push branch on github
  • git pull origin branch : To pull branch from github
  • git log --pretty=oneline : Show all branch commits and its message.
  • git config credential.helper store : To store username and password for specific git project
  • Recover from git reset --hard HEAD :
  • i. git fsck --lost-found
  • ii. cd .git/lost-found/
  • iii. recover form here
  • git checkout -b branchname : Create a new branch and switch to it
  • git checkout branchname : Switch to a specific branch
  • git push --all origin : Push all branches to your remote repository.
  • git diff : To show changes in all files.
  • git diff --base : To show changes in specific file
  • git push --tags origin : Push all tags to remote repository.
  • git info : Show information about repo.

rm all files

  • git rm -r --cached .

add all files as per new .gitignore

  • git add .

now, commit for new .gitignore to apply

  • git commit -m ".gitignore is now working"

Git push rejected

  • git fetch
  • git rebase dev
  • git push origin dev

Ignore files that have already been committed to a Git repository

  • git rm -r --cached .
  • git add .
  • git commit -m ".gitigonre is now working"

To count number of commits

  • git count conflict commit

To install git extras command in mac

  • brew install git-extras
