pjf / WebService-HabitRPG

Access the HabitRPG API from Perl

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Checking off a daily task leaves it still unchecked

taryneast opened this issue · comments

Possibly better described with a step-by-step:

titan:[~]% hrpg daily

[ ] Clean kitchen
[ ] General exercise
[X] Floss teeth

titan:[~]% hrpg + General

Updating General exercise (c5524030-e29c-472d-982f-0f26b164f758)
$VAR1 = {
'exp' => '136.5',
'delta' => '0.905979455227205',
'lvl' => 2,
'hp' => 50,
'gp' => '20.1285937411781'

titan:[~]% hrpg daily

[ ] Clean kitchen
[ ] General exercise
[X] Floss teeth

What went wrong:
Even though it sent through the update (I even got XP for it), the daily doesn't seem to be checked off for today.

I went to the webpage to be certain - and that confirms that "General exercise" is still unchecked.
I clicked it manually there, and it now comes through as "checked" on both the webpage and on hrpg

Unfortunately this is an upstream bug. The API doesn't let you check off daily tasks (nor, I presume TODOs, but I haven't tested that).

This is currently being discussed in HabitRPG/habitica#684. If my suggested changes go live then this will just start working from hrpg without any code changes on our end.

Aha. Thanks :)

"todo" functionality is quite odd. You can "up" a todo... and it will go green in the web-interface (and give you XP) but it still doesn't mark it as "done"...

They're almost certainly the same bug. :) I don't suppose you know CoffeeScript and fancy hacking the HabitRPG codebase?

I don't, but it's something I'd like to learn... however, it's now less than a week to Festival (http://festival.lochac.sca.org/) which is the biggest event of our year.
About a week after that, when I begin to recover... I'll look into it. :)

Hehe. I'm actually hoping this will be fixed upstream in the next 24 hours. :)

Upstream has fixed this, we're just waiting for it to be pushed to the live servers. In theory, the existing hrpg client should just work. :)

Yep, looks like it works now - tested with a todo, and a daily.

Oh hey. I didn't know the changes were live. Huzzah! :)