pjeby / tag-wrangler

Rename, merge, toggle, and search tags from the Obsidian tag pane

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[Feature] Delete tag

alxgoldstn opened this issue · comments

I would love to see an option that allows for right-click --> "Remove tag" --> Goes through the vault and changes all instances of #tag to tag

Should probably pop up a warning first: "This is destructive and will rewrite all instances of #tag with tag. Are you sure?"

That method of deletion wouldn't work for metadata tags - they'd still be tags from Obsidian's point of view if you did that.

Hm, can you clarify? I'm not sure what you mean.

If I create a #tag in Obsidian, it shows up in my tag pane. If I then remove the # prefix, the tag disappears from the tag pane. The tag is removed once all #tags are removed, no?

Metadata tags are specified in a note's metadata, like so:

Tags: xyz abc def
Note text goes here

If you paste that into a note (at the very top above anything else) you'll see tags #xyz, #abc, and #def appear in the tag pane. They don't have # in front of them in the note, so removing the # will not "delete" the tag.

The reason I haven't implemented any sort of delete feature is that it's basically impossible to do it in a way that everyone who wants a delete feature would approve of. (See previous discussion in #4, for example.) Everyone has a proposal for something that could work for their notes and tags, but not for other people who want it to work a different way.

We can implement some checkboxes in the confirmation dialogue so that the person can select the behavior according to their needs. Everyone will approve it that way! 😉