pixijs / pixi-text-style

PIXI.TextStyle Generator

Home Page:https://pixijs.io/pixi-text-style

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Alpha missing ?

jonlepage opened this issue · comments

I do not know the reason for the problem, but it seems that alpha(rgba) is not present.
Can be a non-compatible webkit?
i try in chrome and Edge.

The styles I need to previews its exclusively generate with rgba
I thought maybe could be able to directly modify the code, but the keyboard and the changes are disabled.

Do you have any idea about a possible solution?

I do not know if this idea can seduce you.
You may have a better idea.

thank a lot , your work are awsomes.

The problem is that rgba is not supported in Pixi, so I cannot support it in the editor. You'll need to make an issue on the main repo to support these types of values.

However I did realize I'm missing dropShadowColor! I'll add that.

ho ! ok , i confirm , is because in my node.js project i have a custome pixi.js with ?

     * The background color as a number.
     * @member {number}
     * @private
    _this._backgroundColor = 0x000000;

     * The background color as an [R, G, B] array.
     * @member {number[]}
     * @private
    _this._backgroundColorRgba = [0, 0, 0, 0];

     * The background color as a string.
     * @member {string}
     * @private
    _this._backgroundColorString = '#000000';

    _this.backgroundColor = options.backgroundColor || _this._backgroundColor; // run bg color setter

So RGBA && RGB are takent with pixi by default.
I am sad not to be able to see rendering in your HTML5 pxi style generator.
thanks anyway

Thanks, grace to you, now I can observe basic behavior of some base style that I was not understand,now i understant more, thank you infinitely

Your is much cleaner and more professional.
However, I confess to having a preference for the bootstrap color selector smaller of its design.
and is allow import the json befor to edit , that cool
If you find good you can draw inspiration from it.
The official page is the following.
i credit you