pixijs / particle-emitter

A particle system for PixiJS

Home Page:http://pixijs.io/particle-emitter/docs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Support for v8

erikdubbelboer opened this issue · comments

Now that v8 has been released, it would be great if particle-emitter could be updated to work with v8 as well.

I tried to see if I could do this myself but the changes in DisplayObject are too much, and my knowledge of the internals of particle-emitter is not enough.

Hi. I've updated it to pixi v8. Linked list container is not supported for now, but in general is alive 😄
You can check here

@andriibarvynko do you plan on publishing an NPM package with your version?

Hi. I've updated it to pixi v8. Linked list container is not supported for now, but in general is alive 😄 You can check here

could you show me where is @pixi/particle-emitter@6.0.0? i tried to use your repos but got stuck.


@andriibarvynko do you plan on publishing an NPM package with your version?

@CosmoMyzrailGorynych Sorry, missed your message. I've planned to publish, but linked list container is still not done. Don't know if is ok to make a pull request or publish without it. Also I've mentioned this update in discord chat and no any discussion there, so I decided nobody need it

could you show me where is @pixi/particle-emitter@6.0.0? i tried to use your repos but got stuck.

@phamtrantriem is not published to npm. You can pull the repository, build it yourself and install it from there if you wish.

Temporary I published it to my npm. You can use

npm i @barvynkoa/particle-emitter

Also I've mentioned this update in discord chat and no any discussion there, so I decided nobody need it

Well, perhaps you posted in a wrong time. And the maintainer of this repo seems busy/not willing to continue this project. But pixi.js v8 is WebGPU, it may be buggy now but it is the future of browser graphics, and particles are a must have for any game engine. For my own, for example 🤣

Thank you for publishing the npm package — it is more correct than waiting for unknown time for official fix or than, say, me republishing your work.