pixijs / filters

Collection of community-authored custom display filters for PixiJS

Home Page:https://pixijs.io/filters/docs/

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DropShadowFilter low performance on Macs and iPhones

kozickikarol opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open https://filters.pixijs.download/main/demo/index.html on mac or iphone.
  2. Enable DropShadowFilter
  3. It lags even for low quality but for high quality it's really bad - around 3 FPS.

I checked it on few devices and all of them have the same problem.

That's expected, the implementation of the drop shadow is not performant on all devices. If someone wants to work on a more performant version of this and other filters, PixiJS is willing to pay for this work!

The same issue occurs with the OutlineFilter. Is there any solution?


DropShadowFilter uses KawaseBlurFilter as faster alternative to BlurFilter, but in reality KawaseBlurFilter is MUCH slower than BlurFilter (on iPhone at least).