pixijs / animate-extension

Custom Platform Plugin for Adobe Animate CC (Formerly Adobe Flash CC) - to export animation for the PixiJS renderer

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Can not see installed pixi plugin in animate under OSX

herrKlein opened this issue · comments

I installed the new PIXI 2.0 plugin. Great work btw!! but I don't know where to find it.
Looked in the extensions and under custom type but nothing.

I have an old pixi created file, which also says it can't find pixi do I have to convert this file to Actionscript 3.0

Tried both the version in adobe exchange: cc extensions
And tried the new 2.0.0 ZXP.
Would be great if it possible to get My old file to work again! Thanks for the effort!

That sounds like it didn't actually install properly - how did you install the new ZXP?

Hi, @andrewstart .. thanks for all the effort.. I am eager to pick this up again where I left my last animate/pixi project (4.0)
But the tutorial of the extension has 2 broken links in the documentation:

Enable syncing in your Adobe CC desktop application (recommended); or
Use Anastasiy’s Extension Manager to manually install.

Is there somewhere concise information or tutorial how to get animate extension working with pixi?

Hmm, the link to Anastasiy's Extension Manager works for me. Getting the extension working really should be just installing with the extension manager and making sure you have Electron globally installed.

The link is working again. After installing it under osx with latest AnimateCC version I get the following error:
"PIXIAnimate.fcm.plugin" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the bin. Tried it a few times, uninstalled all other plugins, and uninstalled Animate and reinstalled. No avail. :(

Which version of Animate are you running?

version 22.05

Are you on an M1?

On a 2005 macbook pro.
Installing the extension goes well, in Anastasiy’s Extension Manager. But when starting AnimateCC I get the following message.

Screenshot 2022-04-23 at 12 43 29

And cancel will just popup the error again.

Same problem here (above screenshot). I used Anastasiy's Extension Manager, and added the links to electron and node as mentioned here: #83 since I'm on m1. But still the same error.

The C++ portion of the plugin is built for 64-bit x86 processors, so the 2005 Macbook is probably out of luck with its 32-bit processor. For an m1, you could try manually turning on Rosetta for Animate, or using a version of Animate that isn't m1 native.
I'm not sure what would need to change in the build & packaging process to allow for different architectures.

I'm on an m1 but Animate isn't for m1 yet, before downloading they had a message stating while working on a silicon version of animate I should use the intel version. So I don't know if turning on Rosetta will do anything, but I'll try anyway.

Seems I had Rosetta already, since it's required to run the older Animate (https://helpx.adobe.com/download-install/kb/apple-silicon-m1-chip.html#install-rosetta), so no success, still get the "is damaged" message.

Looks like my Macbook pro is 64 bit. Several sites pointed that out.
I have a 2,2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, which supposed to be 64 bit.

Well then, that leaves me puzzled.

Can I do something to help debug this?

Not that I can think of. If you wanted, you could try the latest release in the off chance it works (although I wouldn't expect it to).

The latest was the release I'm testing now.

Seems running it from my mac is not an option for now. Luckily I can also work on a windows machine... I just tested working with a designer on a mac, but the xfl I gave him reverted back to publish for flash when I got it back from him (his system doesn't have to plugin)... is there a way to keep his changes but export the project to pixijs?


found it, although it has a few extra steps (convert to pixianimate, save as xfl, overwrite received xfl) in it this could work for now... but hopefully the extension will work on m1's in the near future


Extension Manager 安装 PixiAnimate.zxp前需要给PixiAnimate权限安装就可以不出现文件损坏的问题了

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/zhangyijie/Downloads/PixiAnimate.zxp
解决损坏教程 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/135948430

Because my English is not good, I use the translation tool below
Before installing PixiAnimate.zxp in Extension Manager, you need to give PixiAnimate permission to install, so that the problem of file corruption will not occur

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Users/zhangyijie/Downloads/PixiAnimate.zxp
Resolve Corruption Tutorial https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/135948430

6521673586825_ pic

在 2005 年的 macbook pro 上。 在 Anastasiy 的扩展管理器中安装扩展很顺利。但是当启动 AnimateCC 时,我收到以下消息。

屏幕截图 2022-04-23 在 12 43 29


same problem. this extension is not friendly to me.