pixijs / animate-extension

Custom Platform Plugin for Adobe Animate CC (Formerly Adobe Flash CC) - to export animation for the PixiJS renderer

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Suggest] Make assets key the same with its full path

k8w opened this issue · comments

In generated js, I found this:

lib.as3_PixiAnimate.assets = {
    "a1": "images/a1.png",
    "a2": "images/a2.png",
    "readers_yay": "sounds/readers_yay.wav"

The key of lib.XXX.assets is the name.
It would have some problem if there is duplicated name in different folder.
(For example images/a1.png with /a1.png)

It may be better if the key is the fullpath like images/a1.png;