pixeltris / GK6X

Configure keys, macros, and lighting on GK6X keyboards (GK64, GK84, GK61, etc)

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Web GUI on Linux

konsumer opened this issue · comments

I ran the GUI release like this on Pop!OS 20.10:

sudo mono GK6X.exe

Connected to device 'SK96S RGB' model:656801880 fw:v1.15

It doesn't seem to open up 6464 port, and it never logs the URL (which I gather it should from the source.) Do I need to do something else?

The GUI build just bundles the additional data files for the GUI to function. To actually start the GUI web server, run the gui command.

ah! Thanks. That totally made it work.

Screenshot from 2021-07-27 15-32-27

As a sidenote, great work on this. I was really getting annoyed with having to reboot into widows to configure the keyboard, also their closed-source software totally sketches me out.

I was thinking about porting this to nodejs for cli/lib/electron wrappers, for wider support (and maybe a nicer GUI setup on all OS's). I am also not as strong with C#, and node has a great lib that works with HID. I will play around with it and see if it's worth the effort, but either way I appreciate all your work that went into this.

It might be worth checking out the official Mac software which uses electron and node-hid. It also contains additional non-packed js files which might be worth looking at under \GK6+.app\Contents\Resources\app\.


Going to close, as my original issue is resolved. I'm also making great progress on my node version. Thanks for your help, and a great tool!

Awesome! Added to the related projects in the README.