pixano / pixano-elements

Pixano Elements - Re-usable web components dedicated to data annotation tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unexpected identifier error with npx serve demo

manivmtc opened this issue · comments

I am installing pixano-elements on Windows10. Node version 10.19, npm 6.13.4. And I receive the following error

PS C:\Users\m\Work\pixano-elements> npx serve demo
npx : 91 installé(s) en 9.123s
Unexpected identifier```

Hi @manivmtc, thank you for your bug report !

We saw that bug since some weeks coming form an evolution in serve dependencies.

Here's a workaround :
npm install serve@10.1.2
then rebuild pixano :

npm run deps
npm run build

And it should work !
(you will know see a warning at every serve launch, don't care about it)