pitr-ch / katello-deploy

Helpful deployment scripts for Katello

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Katello Deployment

This repository provides methods to easily test and deploy a Katello server. There are two different types of setups—nightly and development. The latter is for setting up Katello from git repositories so that you can contribute to Katello. Nightly installs are production installs from the nightly RPMs that contain the bleeding edge Katello code.

In terms of the type of deployments, there are also two options: VM and direct. Using Vagrant will automatically provision the VM with VirtualBox or libvirt while a direct deployment assumes you are not using a VM or you already have the VM created. Check the table below to verify which operating system you can use for which type of deployment.

OS 2.0 Nightly Development Direct Vagrant
CentOS 6 X X X X X
CentOS 7 X X X X X

Vagrant Deployment

A Vagrant deployment will provision either a development setup (using git repositories) or an install using the nightly RPMs.

The first step in using Vagrant to deploy a Katello environment is to ensure that Vagrant and this repository are installed and setup. To do so:

  1. Ensure you have Vagrant installed
    • For libvirt:
      1. Ensure you have the prerequisites installed sudo yum install ruby rubygems gcc
      2. Vagrant 1.6.5+ can be downloaded and installed from Vagrant Downloads
    • For Virtualbox, Vagrant 1.6.5+ can be downloaded and installed from Vagrant Downloads
  2. Clone this repository - git clone https://github.com/Katello/katello-deploy.git
  3. Enter the repository - cd katello-deploy

Using VirtualBox (Windows, OS X)

If you're using Linux, we recommend libvirt (see next section). The default setup in the Vagrantfile is for VirtualBox. It has been tested against VirtualBox 4.2.18. To use Install VirtualBox from the 4.2 downloads page

Using Libvirt (Linux)

The Vagrantfile provides default setup and boxes for use with the vagrant-libvirt provider. You need to use 0.0.20 of the vagrant-libvirt plugin. To set this up:

  1. Install libvirt. On CentOS/Fedora/RHEL, run sudo yum install @virtualization libvirt-devel
  2. Install the libvirt plugin for Vagrant (see vagrant-libvirt page for more information) vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt --plugin-version 0.0.20
  3. Make sure your user is in the qemu group. (e.g. [[ ! "$(groups $(whoami))" =~ "qemu" ]] && sudo usermod -aG qemu $(whoami))
  4. Set the libvirt environment variable in your .bashrc or for your current session - export VAGRANT_DEFAULT_PROVIDER=libvirt

Nightly Production Install

Currently Katello is only available in the Katello nightly repositories. Provided is a Vagrant setup that will setup and install Katello on a CentOS box. Any base CentOS box and Vagrant setup should work but we have been testing and using Vagrant with libvirt.

Start the installation for CentOS 6:

vagrant up centos6

Start the installation for CentOS 7:

vagrant up centos7

This will create a libvirt based virtual machine running the Katello server on CentOS.

Development Deployment

A Katello development environment can be deployed on CentOS 6 or 7. Ensure that you have followed the steps to setup Vagrant and the libvirt plugin.

To deploy to CentOS 6:

vagrant up centos6-devel

To deploy to CentOS 7:

vagrant up centos7-devel

The box can now be accessed via ssh and the Rails server started directly:

vagrant ssh <deployment>
cd /home/vagrant/foreman
sudo service iptables stop
rails s

Adding Custom Boxes

Sometimes you want to spin up the same box type (e.g. centos7-devel) from within the katello-deploy directory. While this can be added to the Vagrantfile directly, updates to the katello-deploy repository could wipe our your local changes. To help with this, you can define a custom box re-using the configuration within the Vagrantfile. To do so, create a boxes.yaml file. For example, to create a custom box on CentOS 7 with nightly and run the installers reset command:

  box: centos7
  installer: '--reset'


box -- the ':name' one of the defined boxes in the Vagrantfile
installer -- options that you would like passed to the katello-installer
options -- options that setup.rb accepts, e.g. --skip-installer


Any file on path ./plugins/*/Vagrantfile will be loaded on ./Vagrantfile evaluation. plugins directory is ignored by git therefore other git repositories can be cloned into plugins to add custom machines.

Example of a plugin's Vagrantfile:

module APlugin

  Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|

    DB           = 'db'
    WEB          = 'web'
    PARENT_NAME  = 'centos6-devel'
    PROJECT_PATH = "#{KatelloDeploy::ROOT}/../a_repo"

    KatelloDeploy.define_vm config, KatelloDeploy.new_box(PARENT_NAME, DB) do |machine|
      machine.vm.provision :shell do |shell|
        shell.inline = 'echo doing DB box provisioning'
        config.vm.synced_folder PROJECT_PATH, "/home/vagrant/a_repo"
        config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |domain|
          domain.memory = 1024

    KatelloDeploy.define_vm config, KatelloDeploy.new_box(PARENT_NAME, WEB) do |machine|
      machine.vm.provision :shell do |shell|
        shell.inline = 'echo doing WEB box provisioning'
        shell.inline = 'echo doing another WEB box provisioning'
        config.vm.synced_folder PROJECT_PATH, "/home/vagrant/a_repo"
        config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |domain|
          domain.memory = 512



If you have problems installing the libvirt plugin, be sure to checkout the troubleshooting section of their README.


If you get this error:

There was an error talking to Libvirt. The error message is shown

Call to virDomainCreateWithFlags failed: Input/output error

The easiest thing to do is disable selinux using: sudo setenforce 0. Alternatively you can configure libvirt for selinux, see http://libvirt.org/drvqemu.html#securitysvirt


If you get this error:

mount.nfs: rpc.statd is not running but is required for remote locking.
mount.nfs: Either use '-o nolock' to keep locks local, or start statd.
mount.nfs: an incorrect mount option was specified

Make sure nfs is installed and running:

sudo yum install nfs-utils
sudo service start nfs-server

Direct Deployment

This setup assumes you are either deploying on a non-VM environment or you already have a VM setup and are logged into that VM.

RHEL Prerequisites

If on RHEL, it is assumed you have already registered and subscribed your system.

subscription-manager register --username USER --password PASSWORD --auto-attach


  1. ssh to target machine as root
  2. Install git and ruby - yum install -y git ruby
  3. Clone this repository - git clone https://github.com/Katello/katello-deploy.git
  4. Enter the repository - cd katello-deploy

For a release version in production:

./setup.rb --version 2.0

For nightly production:


For development:

./setup.rb --devel --devel-user=username

Bats Testing

Included with katello-deploy is a small live test suite. The current tests are:

  • fb-install-katello.bats - Installs katello and runs a few simple tests

To execute the bats framework:

  • Using vagrant (after configuring vagrant according to this document):
  1. vagrant up centos6-bats
  2. vagrant ssh centos6-bats -c 'sudo fb-install-katello.bats'
  • On a fresh system you've manually installed:
  1. ./bats/bootstrap.sh
  2. fb-install-katello.bats

Run Scripts Post Install

User defined scripts can be run after a successful installation to facilitate common per user actions. For example, if there are common setup tasks run on every devel box for a user these can be setup to run for every run of setup.rb. This also translates to running on every up/provision when using Vagrant. To define a script to be run, create a scripts/ directory and then place the script inside. For example, if you wanted to have vim installed on every box, make a file scripts/vim.sh:


yum -y install vim


Helpful deployment scripts for Katello

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Shell 67.2%Language:Ruby 32.8%