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Adobe Experience Platform API for humans

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Profile and Identity enabled is not properly passed in createDataSets

gurcan-ibmix opened this issue · comments

Expected Behaviour

While creating a new datasets, profile and identity are enabled.

Actual Behaviour

While creating a new datasets, profile and identity are not enabled.

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

While calling createDataSets I'm sending profileEnabled=True, identityEnabled=True
But in the UI I see that it's not enabled.

Steps to Reproduce

Platform and Version

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

connection.createDataSets(name=name, schemaId=schema_id, profileEnabled=True, identityEnabled=True)
In catalog.py following part causing the issue:

if profileEnabled:
  data['tags']["unifiedProfile"] = ["enabled: true"]
if identityEnabled:
  data['tags']["unifiedIdentity"] = ["enabled: true"]`

There shouldn't be any space in enabled: true

I created the following object

tags = {
        "unifiedProfile": [
        "unifiedIdentity": [

Then passed as a parameter to createDataSets and verified in the UI that they are enabled
connection.createDataSets(name=name, schemaId=schema_id, tags=tags )

Logs taken while reproducing problem

Thanks for pointing out that problem/typo and cool that you were able to bypassed that via the provided parameters.
Happy the flexibility of the module helped you in that regards.
Sorry for the delay on this, at the moment, the support is limited on this module.
I will release a new version of the module where you do not need to use the tags element.

release with version 0.3.1.post7