pitchmuc / aepp

Adobe Experience Platform API for humans

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GET Schema API is not working when 'start' parameter is provided

taulantracajm opened this issue · comments

Expected Behaviour

Get Schema list succesfully from a Sandbox

Actual Behaviour

Schemas are not returned

Reproduce Scenario (including but not limited to)

We are trying to use Aepp wrapper in order to automate the provisioning of the schemas, etc.
However when we try to use the it we noticed that AEPP wrapper is supplying a start parameter. When the start parameter is not provided from the request the default is set to 0. So either way the start parameter is provided. In this case the result is an empty list as it expects other parameters such as order by etc. Shouldn't the default behavior be without providing the start parameter at all?

Steps to Reproduce

schemaConnection = schema.Schema()
schemas = schemaConnection.getSchemas()

Platform and Version

Sample Code that illustrates the problem

Logs taken while reproducing problem

I have released a new version of the aepp wrapper (0.3.1post6) to fix that issue.
You can do a pip install aepp --upgrade command to upgrade now.

btw : The change has been made from Adobe server. We are independant of them, we are just using their documentation.