pitchmuc / aepp

Adobe Experience Platform API for humans

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Exception - "The schema must include an 'allOf' attribute..." when creating a schema

arkster opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm trying to create a schema using aepp and am getting the following exception.
` 474 raise TypeError("Expecting a dictionary")
475 if "allOf" not in schema.keys():
--> 476 raise Exception(
477 "The schema must include an ‘allOf’ attribute (a list) referencing the $id of the base class the schema will implement."
478 )

Exception: The schema must include an ‘allOf’ attribute (a list) referencing the $id of the base class the schema will implement.`

I am creating the schema by running getSchema in a different sandbox and then importing it into another one by using createSchema. I made sure the field groups and other dependencies pre-exist in the new sandbox.

Any ideas on how I can get the allOf attribute that is needed to create the schema?

Hi @arkster you need to reference the field Groups (Mixins) and classes from the new environment in that key.


"allOf": [
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/experienceevent",
            "meta:xdmType": "object",
            "type": "object"
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/_mytenant/mixins/5924ad9758d080a4c5e7d4493c0356646a38f828d000c98b",
            "meta:xdmType": "object",
            "type": "object"
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/_mytenant/mixins/27c9589e21afa8a84d2b2aff9e7e4dddf566e209d8158fe2",
            "meta:refProperty": [
            "meta:xdmType": "object",
            "type": "object"

I think it might be also helpful to post the code you are executing.


Hello @arkster
For some reason I am discovering the issue and @benedikt-buchert actually answered it perfectly.
The allOf is a default parameter that contains the reference to the fieldgroups you want to use in the schema creation.
While this issue is dated, I am closing it.
Feel free to re-open it with additional information.