pitchmuc / aepp

Adobe Experience Platform API for humans

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Patching datasets seems to have invalid content type

cmenguy opened this issue · comments

Trying to enable a dataset for profile ingestion with enableDatasetProfile in catalog.py is failing due to invalid content type:

Out[248]: {'type': '/placeholder/type/uri', 'status': 400, 'title': 'BadRequestError', 'detail': 'Content-type does not match json-patch body format, value of Content-type should be application/json-patch+json.'}

Thanks for that.
I was just following the documentation: https://developer.adobe.com/experience-platform-apis/references/catalog/#tag/Datasets/operation/patchDataset
Apparently the documetnation is not correct


Hopefully fixed with latest release.
As documentation is not correct to begin with, I hope it is really fixed now.