pit-ray / win-vind

You can operate Windows with key bindings like Vim.

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[Question] `gn` initial mode issue

azinsharaf opened this issue · comments

i have set the initial mode to gui normal set initmode = gn
but it starts in insert mode. (-- INSERT -- in the command line appears)

" Choose the version of {tiny, small, normal, big, huge}.
version huge

set initmode = gn

set cmd_fadeout = 3600 " one hour visible

set shell = pwsh
set cmd_fontsize = 20
set cmd_fontname = Consolas

set easyclick_bgcolor=E67E22
set easyclick_fontcolor=34495E
set easyclick_fontname=Consolas
set easyclick_fontsize=16
set easyclick_fontweight=600

" Scan UI objects asynchronously  (Optional)
set uiacachebuild

" Hold UI cache for 5 sec. (Optional)
set uiacachebuild_lifetime=5000

" Map capslock to ctrl.
imap <capslock> {<ctrl>}

" Define useful shortcuts
noremap <ctrl-shift-e> <easyclick_all><click_left>
" inoremap <ctrl-shift-r> <gridmove><click_left>
" inoremap <ctrl-shift-s> <switch_window><easyclick><click_left>

" switch the modes"
imap <ctrl-shift-g> <to_gui_normal>
imap <ctrl-shift-v> <to_gui_visual>
imap <ctrl-shift-r> <to_resident>

" Register application launchers
noremap <ctrl-1> :! gvim<cr>
noremap <ctrl-2> :e http://example.com<cr>

" Define macros like Vim
enoremap t ggyyGp

" Apply auto-commands
autocmd AppLeave * <to_insert>
autocmd AppEnter,EdiNormalEnter vim.exe <to_resident>

autocmd AppLeave * <to_insert> is causing it to start in insert mode.

thank you!