pistazie / cdk-dia

Automated diagrams of CDK provisioned infrastructure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Resource names in diagrams are garbled and not displayed

kuri-Maron opened this issue · comments


As you can see in the image, the resource name is not displayed.

This is a diagram generated by executing npx cdk-dia .

I am using v1 of cdk.

Please let me know if you need any information.


That's a first-timer! My guess is that Graphviz fonts are somehow missing in your installation / OS.
What OS are you on? How did you install Graphviz?
Can you try on another OS?

You could also try cdk-dia's (beta) Cytoscape renderer, which should be more OS agnostic.


What OS are you on?

OS: Amazon Linux 2

$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME="Amazon Linux"
ID_LIKE="centos rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="Amazon Linux 2"

How did you install Graphviz?

Installed with brew.

$ brew install graphviz

$ brew ls
aom              expat       gdbm        gmp        isl         libffi   libtirpc   libxdmcp            lzo        openssl@1.1  shared-mime-info  xz
aws-sam-cli      fontconfig  gdk-pixbuf  graphite2  jasper      libmpc   libtool    libxext             m4         pango        sqlite            zlib
binutils         freetype    gettext     graphviz   jpeg-turbo  libnsl   libx11     libxml2             mpdecimal  pcre2        unzip             zstd
bzip2            fribidi     giflib      gts        krb5        libpng   libxau     libxrender          mpfr       pixman       util-linux
ca-certificates  gcc         glib        harfbuzz   libavif     librsvg  libxcb     linux-headers@5.15  ncurses    python@3.10  webp
cairo            gd          glibc       icu4c      libedit     libtiff  libxcrypt  lz4                 netpbm     readline     xorgproto

$ dot -V
dot - graphviz version 7.0.6 (20230106.0513)

Can you try on another OS?

Be able to try it on mac os.

Thank you for your answer.

Additional info because I'm also having this error:

Have been trying to run this on an altered Alpine Linux container (dockerfile below, it's a craftCMS container, but is based on Alpine).

Running outside the container on my host machine (macOS) has the text render normally.


FROM craftcms/cli:8.0-dev

# Dockerfile we use for the Craft Development Container
# It extends off the CraftCMS CLI container, and creates a user
# that VSCode can use to log in to the contianer with.

# It then runs the ./local_entrypoint.sh file, which will do the initial setup of CraftCMS.
# This process can take upwards of 5 minutes.

COPY ./local_entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh

USER root

RUN chmod +x /entrypoint.sh

# Install GraphViz so we can generate the CDK-DIA diagrams
RUN apk add graphviz

# Add a user for executing Development Container commands, etc
RUN echo "Creating development user"
RUN adduser -s /bin/ash -S container_dev www-data

USER www-data

ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/sh", "/entrypoint.sh" ]

I also had this issue. I debugged by running Graphviz directly to see any errors/warnings:

dot  diagram.dot -T png > test.png

I noticed this error towards the top:

Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file

After some Googling, I found that the font config path was not set in my environment. Running this solved the problem for me:

FONTCONFIG_PATH=/etc/fonts npx cdk-dia <... other args>

You could also solve this by adding export FONTCONFIG_PATH=/etc/fonts to your Bash profile.

Hope it helps!