pistazie / cdk-dia

Automated diagrams of CDK provisioned infrastructure

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Any way to get the diagram of "cdk diff"?

gabrielenosso opened this issue · comments

Is there the possibility, or could there be, a way to generate the diagram highlighting the differences?

Would be amazing to have maybe a border or background colored behind resources (red for removed, yellow for modified, green for new resources).

I find visual diff very interesting.

I guess this isn't trivial due to the lack of "plugin-ability" in AWS-CDK.

I guess one would first have to investigate, how CDK produces diffs and then think of whether this process can be integrated into cdk-dia.

There's a tool which reverse engineered the diff, and is now able to give you a JSON file with all the info:

If you try it out, be sure to install v2 (npm i cdk-pretty-diff@2)