pistazie / cdk-dia

Automated diagrams of CDK provisioned infrastructure

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Positioning and connections

sholtomaud opened this issue · comments

I've produced an IoT diagram from one of the AWS IoT Blog and I think I need a syntax to tell cdk-dia where to position things. Incomming to the left, outgoing to the right.

Is this possible or something that could be added as a feature?

Hi @sholtomaud,

It's not currently possible :(

  • Workaround: latest versions added an additional renderer (Cytoscape). with this renderer you get a dynamic HTML so you can manually move the icons.
  • If one wants to implement this they should look into the .dot file generated aside the .png. this is a Graphviz file and maybe there are layout instructions.
    • Infrastructure exists to mark a construct with some property. that property could then be taken into account when producing the .dot file.


But it kind of is possible, I mean we do it in our heads and have this pseudo standard syntax of putting inputs on the left of a diagram and outputs to the right.

Why can't we weight the different elements of the diagram as such?