pistazie / cdk-dia

Automated diagrams of CDK provisioned infrastructure

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Feature request: display multiple stack dependencies

tmizuma opened this issue · comments

I tried cdk-dia today and it looks great.

Currently, multiple stacks dependencies can't be displayed because cdk-dia creates diagrams for each stack.
I personally think it can be very useful if it displays a diagram that can define the dependencies between each stack.

or, is there any way to display multiple stack dependencies? Thanks!

thanks @tmizuma.

Duplicate of #17 - isn't it?

what CDK-Dia version did you use? 0.6.1 should show such relationships/edges.

If you used 0.6.1 it would be great if you could supply the tree.json created in your cdk.out folder after runnign cdk commands (cdk diff, cdk synth or cdk deploy)

Thanks for the reply.
I could create a diagram I expect after upgrading cdk-dia.