piranha / opster

Command line parsing speedster

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IndexError: list index out of range (run from Intellij Idea)

gkraser opened this issue · comments

When running from Intellij Idea under windows, the command line contains the full name of the script with a slash in the style of unix:

C:\pf\python\python.exe D:/projects/tests/opster1.py

In function sysname() is expected to slash os.sep.

Hmm, I'm wondering what should be done to handle such case. Maybe I should just separate by whatever slash is present in path?..

Does os.path.isabs("d:/projects/tests/opster1.py") return True on Windows?

os.path.isabs("d:/projects/tests/opster1.py") on Windows return True.

os.path.normpath("d:/projects/tests/opster1.py") return d:\projects\tests\opster1.py.

Maybe run normpath before parsing file name?

Sure! Give me few minutes, I'll release 3.8. :)

Enjoy! Fixed in 3.8.