pipelinedb / pipeline_kafka

PipelineDB extension for Kafka support

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Segfault when SSL certificates not found

michaelsauter opened this issue · comments

I got a segfault after consume_begin. Took me quite a while to figure out that the SSL certificates where missing ... would be nice to have a proper error message that indicates the problem.

I had specified the certificates like this:

pipeline_kafka.consumer_config = 'security.protocol=ssl,ssl.ca.location=ca-cert,ssl.certificate.location=client-cert,ssl.key.location=client-key,ssl.key.password=PASSWORD'

@michaelsauter good find, you made this easy for us. We'll have this cleaned up this week.

@derekjn this bug has fixed?