pioneerspacesim / pioneer

A game of lonely space adventure

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Assimp 5.3 importer error: No suitable reader found (Linux64, Pioneer built from Master repo)

Mrhnhrm opened this issue · comments

Hi, and thanks for taking a look.
Running Gentoo Linux 64 here. Building Pioneer from today's Master repo snapshot (because I am really desperate for the fix to the game-breaking bug #5804 ). All dependencies are provided as my distro's standard system-wide packages. Pioneer is built according to the provided instructions.

Interestingly enough, the binary 2024-03-14 release ran just fine with the all the same libraries (at least as fine as can be with the aforementioned game-breaking bug).

Observed behaviour

The game crashes while loading with these messages:

Info: Loading [67%]: SpaceStation::Init started
Info: models/stations/ground_station/starport_lo.dae:
Assimp 5.3 importer error: No suitable reader found for the file format of file "models/stations/ground_station/starport_lo.dae".
Info: Could not find model: ground_station
Info: couldn't initialize station type 'stations/ground_station.json' because the corresponding model ('ground_station') could not be found.
Fatal: Error while loading Space Station data (check stdout/output.txt).

Expected behaviour

The game should at least load far enough to get to the main menu.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download the zip of today's Master repo and unpack.
  2. Execute ./bootstrap && make -C build -j8
  3. Execute ./build/pioneer

My pioneer version (and OS):

Today's Master snapshot. Gentoo Linux 64 bit.


Thanks for paying attention.

This is because Gentoo ships a patched version of libassimp to work around a security issue/bug. Unfortunately, that patch completely disables the Collada importer - required to load .dae files - meaning the game absolutely cannot function at all and we cannot do anything about it. See the upstream discussion here: gentoo/gentoo#29231.

The underlying bug is fixed in libassimp 5.4, which I encourage you to update to.