pinterest / elixometer

A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.

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@timed functions return [do: result]

kzemek opened this issue · comments

Under Elixir 1.6.0-dev, as well as Elixir 1.5.2 the following code:

defmodule Mod do
  use Elixometer

  @timed(key: "key")
  def my_fun do

  def hello do
    IO.puts(inspect my_fun())

returns [do: :ok]

iex(1)> Mod.hello
[do: :ok]

Looks like this line might be to blame.

Are you running the master branch? #86 was supposed to fix this.

Good call, I was running 1.2.1 from Hex and didn't think to test on the master branch before filing the issue. Apologies :)

That said, I'd love to be able to pull a newer Hex package that contains the fix

@kzemek unfortunately we have a couple of blockers releasing a new version that also works on newer versions of OTP because of dependency build issues #88.
tl;dr if we use exometer 1.4 then lager can't build without override; if we use exometer 1.5 then setup can't build without override. Can't publish a package with overrides.