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A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.

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CRASH REPORT Process exometer_report_tty with 0 neighbours crashed

smoak opened this issue · comments

I am attempting to use elixometer in a Phoenix app. However, when I try to use update_histogram and the exometer_report_tty, I get the following crash:

10:34:31.086 [error] CRASH REPORT Process exometer_report_tty with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: bad argument in call to erlang:'++'(<<"histograms">>, [95|<<"test">>]) in exometer_report_tty:metric_to_string/1 line 116

I am simply doing Elixometer.update_histogram("test", 1) in a test controller.

I created a sample project.


Mac OS X (El Capitain)
Erlang/OTP 19 [erts-8.2.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false] [dtrace]
Elixir 1.4.2

Seeing something similar with just a PLUG app.

This is an issue in exometer_core, fix at: Feuerlabs/exometer_core#96

This should be fixed if you use exometer_core master including Feuerlabs/exometer_core@2434ca2.

This would resolved by depending on exometer_core "~> 1.5.2", and we support it in master.