pinterest / elixometer

A light Elixir wrapper around exometer.

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Viewing the Metrics

ganeshcse2991 opened this issue · comments

I have configured the mix.exs and config.exs as per the doc and my application is up and running. I want to know how to view the metrics measured or captured through Elixometer. Please provide me a flow on how to approach on viewing the metrics or configuring them.

@ganeshcse2991 Elixometer (and exometer) just feed into reporting systems like opentsdb and statsd. These systems aggregate store and present data to a variety of frontend systems. These frontend systems (we have a custom one, but is an open source implementation) are where you'll view graphs.

This is a library meant for feeding stats from a large number of servers into a central time series store. It sounds like it's a bit much for your needs.