pinoceniccola / what-hn-says-webext

Web Extension: Easily find Hacker News discussions about the page you're currently browsing.

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Thread not found if URL contains UTM-related query parameters

memoryonrepeat opened this issue · comments


I notice that the extension sometimes can't find the thread if the link contains UTM-related parameters. These are usually generated when clicking to links from newsletters and can be safely removed to improve search quality. What do you think?


Works after removing all the params:

If you're busy I can also help with a PR. Thanks for making this extension btw :)

I'm aware, it may be worth creating a little function that take care of URL canonicalization, including:

  • Removing common query parameters (utm_*, *clid)
  • urls ending with index.php, index.htm?l
  • Other special cases like #5 (www/non-www)

Oh yes, contributions are very welcome! Thanks.

Sure, created the MR, could you please take a look #7