pink-gorilla / webly

reagent/reframe application skelleton

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


awb99 opened this issue · comments


transit - fast, but not for persistence
edn - slow but good for persistence
Nippy is an attempt to provide a reliable, high-performance drop-in alternative to the reader.

  • rest api
  • websocket.
  • database
  • notebook serialization.

; extend edn reader:

(def ^:private default-readers {'ig/ref ref, 'ig/refset refset})
(defn read-string "Read a config from a string of edn. Refs may be denotied by tagging keywords with #ig/ref." ([s] (read-string {:eof nil} s)) ([opts s] (let [readers (merge default-readers (:readers opts {}))] (edn/read-string (assoc opts :readers readers) s))))


aded custom transit packers to api endpoints and websocket.