pingcap / kvproto

Protocol buffer files for TiKV

Repository from Github https://github.compingcap/kvprotoRepository from Github https://github.compingcap/kvproto

cannot run make rust correctly if I didn't install rust-protobuf in advance

ts25504 opened this issue · comments

If I didn't install rust-protobuf and run "make rust" directly, I will get such infomation:

generate rust code...
protoc-gen-rust: program not found or is not executable
--rust_out: protoc-gen-rust: Plugin failed with status code 1.
make: *** [rust] Error 1

I think we could add some codes to

if ! cmd_exists protoc-gen-rust; then
    echo "missing rust-protobuf, try to download/install it"
    cargo install protobuf

Thanks for your report @ts25504

Could you send us a PR? Maybe we should also consider installing gogo too :-)

I'll try to fix it.