pimoroni / hyperpixel

Setup for the Pimoroni Hyper Pixel 800x480 pixel multi-touch display

Home Page:https://shop.pimoroni.com/products/hyperpixel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Does not work on current Buster Pi4 1GB

HansOtten opened this issue · comments

To check out the Pi4, current Buster (feb 2020) and Hyperpixel 3.5 I did the following:

0 Checked on a Raspberry Pi 3, current Buster, instructions followed and works fine, so hardware is OK

1 imaged a SD with current Buster (feb 2020)
2 booted on a Pi 4 1 GB
3 did the usual raspi-config things and update/upgrade
4 checked out the system, works as expected
5 curl https://get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel | bash
6. rebooted , installed Hyperpixel

Result is rubbish, reverse image on HDMI, Hyperpixel dead

Maybe the curl https://get.pimoroni.com/hyperpixel | bash gets the old hyperpixel install and the the Pi 4? Looks like it.

So back to 0,

1 imaged a SD with current Buster (feb 2020)
2 booted on a Pi 4 1 GB
3 did the usual raspi-config things and update/upgrade
4 checked out the system, works as expected
5 downloaded the Hyperpixel Pi 4 git repository
6. rebooted , installed Hyperpixel with ./setup.h

Result is Hyperpixel noise banner, HDMI shows normal screen

So install fails with the curl or setup ,and instructions clearly wrong.

Are you using an old original HyperPixel or a HyperPixel 4?


Same for me using a Pi4 and Hyperpixel 4.0.
(The Hyperpixel 4.0 hardware works perfectly when imaged for the Pi3B)

T o n y

@HansOtten - I will have to try and find a HyperPixel 3.5 to try and replicate this- working from home doesn't make that easy. My apologies if I can't get back to you imminently.

@tonywaite - for HyperPixel 4.0 you should go here: https://github.com/pimoroni/hyperpixel4

No need for hurry or apologies, working from home and staying safe is more important. It can wait!

Just realised I haven't got back to this. Sorry! @HansOtten have you had any luck since?

I noticed with step 5 you said:

  1. downloaded the Hyperpixel Pi 4 git repository

Did you download this GitHub repository, or the HyperPixel4 one? Since 4 is for the 4" HyperPixel and not the Pi 4.

That said, the curl installer should have worked. It's possible that the hyperpixel init routine did not work, or that something else failed. I will see if I can find my old HyperPixel now.

I've managed to get it working on Buster here using the pi4 branch of this repository, but I'm seeing exactly the same problem you describe as "noise banner."

Running hyperpixel-init manually once the system has booted seems to fix this, but that's not ideal.

I've no idea why the hyperpixel-init script isn't setting up the LCD correctly in the first place. Currently experimenting!

@Gadgetoid am currently experiencing the same issue with a Pi 4 running Buster and a HyperPixel 3.5". After hyperpixel-init the screen seems to work fine, but it seems to not register touch input.

Checking on the services (service hyperpixel-{init/touch} status) seems okay for touch:

● hyperpixel-init.service - Hyperpixel LCD Display Initialization
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/hyperpixel-init.service; enabled; vendor 
   Active: inactive (dead) since Sat 2020-10-24 00:29:59 BST; 7s ago
  Process: 1513 ExecStart=/usr/bin/hyperpixel-init (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1513 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Oct 24 00:29:59 octopi systemd[1]: Starting Hyperpixel LCD Display Initialization...
Oct 24 00:29:59 octopi hyperpixel-init[1513]: Setitng up LCD...
Oct 24 00:29:59 octopi systemd[1]: hyperpixel-init.service: Succeeded.
Oct 24 00:29:59 octopi systemd[1]: Started Hyperpixel LCD Display Initialization.
● hyperpixel-touch.service - Hyperpixel LCD Touch Screen Driver Daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/hyperpixel-touch.service; enabled; vendor
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2020-10-24 00:17:17 BST; 9min ago
  Process: 266 ExecStart=/usr/bin/hyperpixel-touch (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 383 (python)
    Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 7.6M
   CGroup: /system.slice/hyperpixel-touch.service
           └─383 python /usr/bin/hyperpixel-touch

Oct 24 00:17:15 octopi systemd[1]: Starting Hyperpixel LCD Touch Screen Driver Daemo
Oct 24 00:17:16 octopi sudo[325]:     root : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMA
Oct 24 00:17:16 octopi sudo[325]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user ro
Oct 24 00:17:16 octopi sudo[325]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user ro
Oct 24 00:17:17 octoppi systemd[1]: Started Hyperpixel LCD Touch Screen Driver Daemon

@calini have you tried grabbing and installing from GitHub, the "pi4" branch? I had to make this change to get touch working on my Pi 4, and I'm not sure if the one-line-installer uses the Pi4 branch at all - 347e07f

@Gadgetoid I should have probably mentioned that too: I got the one line installer and edited it to pull the pi4 branch instead of master

For those stumbling here from Google, a workaround is mentioned in parallel issue - use an older kernel

sudo rpi-update e1050e94821a70b2e4c72b318d6c6c968552e9a2

Any progress? Or is the Hyperpixel 3.5 ripe for the museum?

seems not :(
and i hoped to use it with my pi 400

created a new issue but scrolled far enough down to see this. hopefully it's a useful bump back to the top