pilotmoon / Scroll-Reverser

Per-device scrolling prefs on macOS.

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Trackpad is treated as mouse when "Use trackpad gesture to zoom" Accessibility setting is enabled

furudean opened this issue Β· comments

After updating to Big Sur from Catalina, it appears that trackpad inputs get reversed even though my settings are configured to only reverse mouse. It looks like the trackpad is getting detected as a mouse.

This is with a Magic Trackpad 2.

Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 14 28 26

Screenshot 2020-11-17 at 14 34 58

Have you got Scroll Reverser enabled in both Accessibility and Input Monitoring in System prefs β†’ Privacy?

Yes, both are enabled.

The software already reverses scrolling, it's just that it thinks the trackpad is a mouse. This is new with Big Sur I assume, since it worked before.

Looks like it's not receiving the gesture events from the system. I'll have to look into it. Thanks for reporting πŸ‘


Automatically quits when the big sur version is turned on again after standby.

@molizz What you are describing is already tracked as #90. This issue is different from that.

Hi @c-bandy and others.

I have something that might solve this problem for you. (based on this report: #74 (comment))

Take a look in Accessibility β†’ Zoom β†’ Advanced β†’ Controls β†’ Use trackpad gesture to zoom

If that setting is ON, then macOS will not sent the gesture events to Scroll Reverser, which will cause Scroll Reverser to fail to detect the trackpad. So make sure that setting is turned off.

If that doesn't work, please do let me know if you are still having the problem with Scroll Reverser 1.8. Cheers!

CleanShot 2020-12-08 at 09 10 08@2x

Thank you so much! @invariant

This workaround does it for me. Scrolling now behaves as expected. I don't use the trackpad gesture to zoom at all so it's not a problem for me.


"Using trackpad for zoom" is really essential for me, please fix it in the next version!

Not going to happen, I'm afraid. The setting affects the input to Scroll Reverser, so it happens further up the food chain than I can do anything about.


Maybe I'll look for alternative way to trigger zoom with trackpad.


Is it acceptable to post here a link to alternative project as a working solution?

Is it acceptable to post here a link to alternative project with as a working solution?

Please! I'd love see see how to solve it


Is it acceptable to post here a link to alternative project as a working solution?

Please! I'd love see see how to solve it


Hello! Looks like this no longer works on Ventura 13.0 (22A380) 😒
I have the trackpad gesture to zoom toggled off as shown in the screenshot. (I tried toggling it on and off and it doesn't help)

Screenshot 2023-05-26 at 16 52 22

"Reverse Mouse" toggle causes both my trackpad and a mouse to reverse, and the "Reverse Trackpad" toggle changes nothing.. Are there workarounds?


cc @arielhasidim @pilotmoon