pilotmoon / Scroll-Reverser

Per-device scrolling prefs on macOS.

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Big Sur: Scroll Reverser exits during system sleep

rgov opened this issue · comments

Please do not post "me too" comments on this issue!

I've been using Scroll Reverser 1.7.6 on Catalina without issue for a while. Since upgrading to Big Sur, when my system wakes up, scrolling is back to the default system behavior.

In the Console, at the same time that the system begins to sleep, I see these messages indicating that the program is exiting:

default	19:11:19.844279-0500	Scroll Reverser	NSApp cache appearance:
-NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 1
-appearance: (null)
-effectiveAppearance: <NSCompositeAppearance: 0x600002345880
    "<NSAquaAppearance: 0x600002345780>",
    "<NSSystemAppearance: 0x600002344600>"
default	19:11:20.345994-0500	kernel	PM response took 517 ms (89958, Scroll Reverser)
default	19:11:20.374226-0500	distnoted	register name: com.apple.nsquiet_safe_quit_give_reason object: com.pilotmoon.scroll-reverser token: 390000003d pid: 89958
default	19:12:09.489957-0500	Scroll Reverser	[logger "waiting for pid 89958"; while kill -0 89958 >/dev/null 2>&1; do sleep 0.01; done; logger "restarting Scroll Reverser"; open "/Applications/Scroll Reverser.app"]
default	19:12:09.645026-0500	Scroll Reverser	Entering exit handler.
default	19:12:09.652257-0500	Scroll Reverser	Exiting exit handler.
default	19:12:10.087100-0500	runningboardd	Calculated state for app<application.com.pilotmoon.scroll-reverser.8683812124.8683812163(501)>: none (role: None)
default	19:12:10.259541-0500	launchservicesd	Hit the server for a process handle 4ebe38700015f66 that resolved to: [app<application.com.pilotmoon.scroll-reverser.8683812124.8683812163(501)>:89958]
default	19:12:16.609355-0500	WindowServer	Add filter:IOHIDServiceFilter uuid:320990E6-DAAD-4738-A6F1-149766D2E167 name:com.apple.iokit.hid.IOHIDPointerScrollFilter  for service:0x1000590e6

Perhaps this issue is fixed in master since the last release was 3.5 years ago, but it has only become a problem for me now.

Same issue with master.


I can confirm this issue on macOS BigSur 11.0.1 and ScrollReverser 1.7.6.

I can confirm this issue on macOS BigSur 11.0.1 and ScrollReverser 1.7.6.

Same here after the upgrade.

Also having this problem - same versions.

Looks like the issue is confirmed. Click the thumbs up 👍 above (under the first post) and use the Subscribe button on the right to get notified of updates.

(Kindly don't post more "me too" comments.)

Also having this problem - same versions.

I can confirm this issue on macOS BigSur 11.0.1 and ScrollReverser 1.7.6.


I managed to temporarily fix this when my system sleeps from being idle by going into System Preferences → Security & Privacy → Privacy → Input Monitoring and giving it permission but after restarting, the issue persists, even though Start at login is checked, I think the startup script broke with MacOS Big Sur

EDIT: nvm this doesn’t persist after a restart

I can confirm the issue.


Same issue.

Reopening issue for visibility until release build ships.

After a sleep-wake cycle test, I can confirm that the issue is resolved.