pilotmoon / Scroll-Reverser

Per-device scrolling prefs on macOS.

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Scroll reverser preferences randomly change.

lynndixon opened this issue · comments

I am on Sierra, 10.12.1. Using Scroll Reverser 1.7.4.
I usually keep the "reverse trackpad" and "reverse tablet" settings unchecked, as I don't want my trackpad reversed.

But seemingly randomly. I will notice my trackpad scrolling will start reversing, without me doing anything. Literally scrolling fine on webpages, then click something, then scrolling will be reversed.

When I go to the Scroll Reverser settings, I notice that my preferences for "Reverse Trackpad" and "reverse tablet" have been selected.
Oddly enough, if I click either one of them to un-check them, the other will automatically go unchecked.

This happens several times per day.

Another user reports this. Ref: Conversation #5351 (private link for my reference - contents copied below)

I am a user of Reverse Scrolling. Indeed I appreciate the application that sorts out the problem of the scrolling direction between my mouse and the trackpad, it offered a lot of help. It is a great application.

However, it has been a while since I updated my mac to macOS Sierra (v10.12.1 for now), the scroll direction for my trackpad would constantly change itself while I am using my computer, it unchecks "Reverse trackpad" itself suddenly. I am currently using v1.7.4 of Reverse Scrolling now and does not seem to have any update, i.e. it is the latest version I could have for now.

I am not sure what the problem was, but it is kind of an irritating situation. I hoped there is a way to get around this. Thank you for looking into the problem.

Sorry I made a mistake, it checks "Reverse trackpad" itself instead of uncheck. Thank you for following up.

I have verified I am not running two instances or an older copy alongside a newer one. I completely removed all occurrences of Scroll Reverser from my Mac, rebooted, and installed only the newest version, but I am still seeing these odd problems.

Thank you for your help eliminating this hypothesis.

As an general position on this issue - I have had a look over the code and I cannot see any reason for this to be happening. It does not happen in my own testing. If anyone reading is able to suggest the cause, or a fix, I'm all ears.

Ref: Conversation #5396 / Steffen

Thanks for this awesome app. I wanted to report the same issue. I have the exact issue as mentioned above on Sierra, 10.12.2, using Scroll Reverser 1.7.4. This just happened with me when I opened Chrome browser and suddenly the scroll direction reversed(Mac just woke up from sleep before doing this). This has happened many times in the past(I guess it was immediately after waking up from sleep). I used to go to preferences and uncheck again when that happens. Is there someway to make the preferences read-only or something so that it cant automatically revert it? Or did anyone find any work around?

I would like to appreciate you for this great app first. I wanted to report the same problem on my 15 inch Mid 2012 MacBook Pro, which is running macOS Sierra. Any log files I can provide to help you debug?


If I set my preferences, close the app, and open it, the preferences are as I set them. If I set my preferences, restart my computer, or logout, then login, my preferences are set to the defaults.

I would like Reverse Trackpad and Reverse Tablet unchecked, and Reverse Mouse checked, so that mouses work the way they're supposed to.


My apologies. It is not nearly this consistent. After writing this post, to make sure I wasn't lying, I logged out and back in. My preferences were as I set them. I then restarted, and my preferences were still as I set them. So, I guess I'm in the same boat as everyone else. At some point, I do not know what triggers it, my preferences get reset to default and the next time the app is opened, the preferences are in their default states.

I haven't got any scientific measurements but I feel like this happens every 12-24hrs.

I wonder if there's a scheduled job running that affects the settings?

+1 on this. Getting it at regular internals. I'm on Scroll Reverser 1.7.4, macOS Sierra 10.12.3.

Settings reset to something like a default every so often (every day or two)?

This is happening very frequently now. Everyday once or twice I am facing this issue. Suddenly the scroll direction reverses. I am having v1.7.5 on Sierra 10.12.5. Anyone found anyway to modify this default preference selection to something of ours so that even when it is resetting, it will still have the same selection. Any hacks? like replacing some plist file with a modified one inside app?

I released Scroll Reverser 1.7.6 today, which has some changes to preferences handling. At the moment I am unable to reproduce this bug myself, so this is NOT a fix. But it is possible my changes have had some effect. Please let me know if you observe any differences after upgrading to 1.7.6.

Seems like it is still happening (macOS 10.12.4, Scroll Reverser 1.7.6)

Thank you @Cyb3rfr3ak. I have had other reports too.

At this point I have no clue why this is happening. I have gone over every line of code related to preferences, it is all totally standard just like I do it in all my other apps. NSUserDefaults + Cocoa bindings. If anyone can take a look at the code, please do.

For those getting this problem, is it only Scroll Reverser that it happens to or have you seen it with any other apps? Could this be macOS bug?

I'm also seeing this bug still with 1.7.6 on macOS 10.12.4 (16E195). @invariant, the only thing I've seen like this on Mac is the preferences for custom keyboard shortcuts for Services within the Keyboard preference pane.

I frequently make keyboard shortcuts to run small scripts running with Automator. The last time I went to make one when I double-clicked to add set the keyboard shortcut, all of my custom shortcuts were erased (unbound, but still listed). I am not sure that the system uses NSUserDefaults for storage of these kinds of preferences, but it has the same behavior of toggling one setting changing many (as if reloading valid or invalid settings from a different source than when the list was initially rendered). This behavior is definitely new to macOS with the most recent versions.

At the risk of getting too off-topic, I've also seen a bug on iOS which looks like a problem specifically with NSUserDefaults: many of the apps on my iPhone will suddenly begin launching as if they had never been run before (including built-in apps like Messages). I'll get apps that I've had for months asking me to allow notifications and showing me tutorials that I've skipped. To me, it feels like NSUserDefaults for those apps is getting erased or replaced.

So it may be a bug in Foundation as you suspect.

Thanks everyone for allowing me to subtract one from list of reasons I might be crazy.


I can't tell if this is the same bug, but I am also running into similar issues on Sierra 10.12.5 with Scroll Reverser v1.7.5.

In my case, I am only reversing the mouse, but randomly the trackpad will start reversing too. This change does not show up in the preferences, and unchecking and rechecking "Reverse Scrolling" fixes the issue temporarily.

Looks like a lot of others have this issue too, add a +1 from me!

I'm in a bit of a unique position because I currently have two laptops, my older one does not exhibit this behavior (that I have seen), the newer one does. Both are using 1.7.6. What can I look at to help track down the problem? The only obvious difference is the older one is set to auto-update but they are on the same version.

Caveat, I will only have the old laptop (where Scroll Reverser works fine) until Wednesday, so let me know soon what you need from me.

First, thank you for this awesome app.

I also encounter the same issue too, the scroll direction randomly changed. (macOS Sierra version 10.12.5).

When this happened, I have to un-check "Reverse Scrolling" and check again to bring it back.

capture 2017-06-09 at 9 59 23 am

SR 1.7.6 / OSX 10.12.5 / Bartender 2.1.6 (see below; may or may not be relevant)

To open the preferences window you have to click on the menu bar icon first to make it appear.

Every time I've tested (at least 10 times now), it's simply the action of (left) clicking on the menu bar icon that has made it start working again -- even if I don't choose any of the menu items or open the preferences window.

I thought it might be related to restart-from-sleep, but it's happened to me in the middle of working (no sleep involved). Maybe it be mis-detecting a restart and then not initialising correctly? Unfortunately I've not been able to catch it happening while having the Debug Console open.


Are you trying to use scroll reverser in software running as root/admin or with elevated permissions? If so, you need to add Scroll Reverser to the accessibility list for its features to work inside those elevated apps.


I have caught this issue happening right in the middle of scrolling. I'll be scrolling a page, normally like I want it, then in the middle of the scroll it will reverse direction. Then I check the settings and they've reverted like others have mentioned in this thread. So clearly something is actively triggering this to happen; it has nothing to do with restarting or sleeping.

Also just randomly happened to me: trackpad scrolling in Chrome became reversed.
Scroll Reverser: 1.7.6
OS X: 10.12.5
Chrome: 58.0.3029.110

Edit: Happened again the next day, while scrolling on a webpage which apparently tried to mess with scrolling-motion (I assume via JS). Maybe it's a hint?

I'm using synaptics on ubuntu (so i don't use scroll-reverser nor a mac) and i've to manually re-run my synclient script everytime the change mentioned on this thread happens. and it happens absolutely randomly.
it's just bizarre. I'd thought maybe it's the kernel or something because it'd begun only recently, say since four months or so.

I'm running Sierra 10.12.5 on a 2017 MacBook Pro. Scroll direction changes on its own, and "tap to click" (which is completely uncontrollable) is activated at times.

It doesn't matter if I have Force Click on or off - the same things happen. It's also seemingly impossible to select filenames in finder without associated apps being opened about half the time. I've talked to Apple - they have no solutions and these problems have been the same for almost 2 years based on posts in Apple Communities.

Similar is happening to me and I've noticed that it consistently happens at 11:52 PM every night, and never at any other time. I reset it by disabling/enabling scroll reversing. Hope this helps somewhat.

This has happened to me a couple of times now at 10:55pm.

I'm running Sierra 10.12.6 (16G29) on a 2017 12" Macbook.

I have this same situation as well. I always set the preference to "reverse Mouse" but not "Trackpad". But occasionally (I think mostly in the middle of using chrome?), the trackpad becomes reversed and I would find "Reverse Trackpad" option checked in the preference panel.
I am using:

Scroll Reverser: 1.7.6
macOS Sierra 10.12.6
MacBook Pro 13-inch 2017

This has been a very helpful tool for me, and hope it can be fixed soon : )

I had this behavior before, too.
For some weeks, I am now running macOS High Sierra 10.13 Beta and it never appeared since. I'd bet your problems will be gone as well when High Sierra is going to be released next month.

I am also having this issue on OSX 10.12.6. It occurs once or twice a day, and I can't say that there is any particular trigger. I often notice it when it is awakening from sleep, but not sure that that is the cause.


I'm also having this issue, notice it when waking from sleep sometimes.

Macbook Pro 13" 2016 TB, Sierra 10.12.6

My usual settings are:

[ ] Reverse Trackpad
[✓] Reverse Mouse
[✓] Reverse Tablet

Then it reverts to:

[✓] Reverse Trackpad
[✓] Reverse Mouse
[✓] Reverse Tablet

For what it's worth I too am having this issue. I usually have reverse mouse and tablet selected and not trackpad. Occasionally the preferences will change to all reversed. I'm on Sierra 10.12.6. I haven't detected a pattern or any cause, but I'll try to keep an eye out.

@invariant Any luck on figuring out what is going on? Or have we chocked this up to an OSX bug with no fix? Thanks!

I have chalked it up to a OS bug, @Mochnant. I haven't seen any reports of it on 10.13 so far, which is hopeful.

I have the problem on High Sierra. My Scroll-Reverser preferences are to only reverse scrolling for the mouse and leave the trackpad as-is; however, sometimes when waking from sleep, the trackpad scroll direction is reversed. Clicking the "Scroll Direction Natural" trackpad setting twice will fix it


It seems to happen most frequently for me when waking from sleep, but it does occasionally happen randomly as I'm using my computer normally.

@KyleKing When waking from sleep is the preferences setting actually changing, such that the setting has visibly changed in the prefs window (this issue); or is the preference still showing correctly but Scroll Reverser is not obeying it (issue #40)?

@invariant when waking from sleep all of the preference windows appear correct (scroll-reverser: only mouse & mac trackpad: scroll direction natural is checked), but the trackpad scroll behavior is reversed. I think my problem may be different because toggling the trackpad setting fixes the issue (#40 (comment)).

I haven't had scroll reverser on for about a week and haven't had any issues, but I can keep scroll-reverser running and post any logs when it happens again.

Probably related: my Launchpad/Desktop multi-finger trackpad gestures keep getting deactivated and become unchecked

Wanted to make a note that while I have the same exact issue as everyone else with the trackpad randomly reversing mid scroll, maybe this is browser related. I have noticed that when I connect my wireless usb mouse to the usb port, the divs displayed shift 1/8" to the left, when I disconnect it from the usb port, the divs shift right back 1/8" to the right.
I was wondering about this, since connecting a mouse should not affect the browser in anyway.
This also happens with Firefox and Safari, however with Safari, when the usb wireless mouse is connected, a scrollbar appears on the right and disappears when the wireless usb mouse is disconnected.
Hope this helps the debugging process.


@markedelman I think that is an unrelated issue. I had something similar happen in the past and fixed it by changing the "Show scroll bars" setting under System Preferences/General to "When scrolling" instead of "Automatically based on mouse or trackpad"

I'd bet your problems will be gone as well when High Sierra is going to be released next month.

Would like to second this; I used to get the bug 2-3 time per week. Since upgrading to High Sierra (a week after release -- around 8 weeks ago now) I haven't had it happen once.

Edit: >3 months now on High Sierra, using Scroll Reverser every weekday and haven't seen the bug once.

Allowing the app to monitor inputs helped me with this problem on macOS Catalina.

Hi everyone. It looks like most of the action on this issue was from 2017 and I haven't had any recent reports of preferences randomly changing. I'm going to close the issue now to tidy things up. If you do still have any problems with preference settings not sticking, please report it afresh.