pilotmoon / Scroll-Reverser

Per-device scrolling prefs on macOS.

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Reversing Mouse also reverses Trackpad

EmanueleChioso opened this issue · comments

System : Montrey 12.5.1 (M1)
App version : 1.8.2 (10505) (latest)

After updating to Montrey 12.5.1 Reverse Trackpad checkbox is not working anymore
What is working as a master enabler is the Reverse Mouse checkbox, enabling both Mouse and Trackpad.


I'm temporarly "fixing" it by reversing the natural behaviour and letting Scroll Reverser reverse it again, using the MacOs option Scroll Direction: Natural

I'm also seeing this, scroll reverser is reversing my trackpad even when I only have "reverse mouse" checked. For what it's worth, rebooting my mac fixed it for me, I'm not sure what triggered it in the first place.

Hit the same issue, but it took me quite a while to realize that something was wrong though 😂
It felt wrong using trackpad, but I couldn't say whether it had always been this way or not.

By the way, killing the process and starting it again fixed it, so no need to reboot!

the same is happening for Ventura

the same is happening for Ventura

Scroll Reverser works fine for me on Ventura. I'm using the latest versions of both osx (13.1) and ScrollReverser, and this is the setup:


This will occur if Scroll Reverser is not receiving trackpad gesture events from macOS. I have known it to be caused by occasional macOS glitches regarding permissions. In particular, it seems to happen after upgrading the OS but not exclusively. Rebooting may help, as might removing and re-adding Scroll Reverser from the Accessibility and Input Monitoring lists in Security & Privacy. Also, when doing this, ensure there is only one copy of Scroll Reverser on your disk and that that one copy lives in the main Applications folder not in an alternative location like Downloads.


It also helps by disable and enable again.

Have been using this method.