pilinux / cloudflare-cli

CLI utility managing CloudFlare services using CloudFlare API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


CLI utility managing CloudFlare services - highly focused on DNS - using CloudFlare API


Usage: cloudflare [Options] <command> <parameters>
 --details, -d    Display detailed info where possible
 --debug, -D      Display API debugging info
 --quiet, -q      Less verbose
 -E <email>
 -T <api_token>
Environment variables:
 CF_ACCOUNT  -  email address (as -E option)
 CF_TOKEN    -  API token (as -T option)
Enter "cloudflare help" to list available commands.


$ cloudflare help
   show, add, delete, change, clear, invalidate, check
$ cloudflare show
   zones, settings, records, listing
$ cloudflare show zones
example.net active  #IDSTRING   OLD-NS1,OLD-NS2  NEW-NS1,NEW-NS2
$ cloudflare show settings
Usage: cloudflare show settings <zone>
$ cloudflare show settings example.net
advanced_ddos                  off
always_online                  on
automatic_https_rewrites       off
$ cloudflare show records
Usage: cloudflare show records <zone>
$ cloudflare show records example.net
www     auto CNAME     example.net.       ; proxiable,proxied #IDSTRING
@       auto A       ; proxiable,proxied #IDSTRING
*       3600 A       ;  #IDSTRING
$ cloudflare show listings whitelist       2014-10-30T05:31:30.099176Z     # NOTES    block           2014-10-30T05:31:30.099176Z     # NOTES
CN              challenge       2014-10-30T05:31:30.099176Z     # NOTES
$ cloudflare add
   zone, record, whitelist, blacklist, challenge
$ cloudflare add zone
Usage: cloudflare add zone <name>
$ cloudflare add record
Usage: cloudflare add record <zone> <type> <name> <content> [ttl] [prio] [service] [protocol] [weight] [port]
   <zone>      domain zone to register the record in, see 'show zones' command
   <type>      one of: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, NS, SRV, TXT, SPF, LOC
   <name>      subdomain name, or "@" to refer to the domain's root
   <content>   IP address for A, AAAA
               FQDN for CNAME, MX, NS, SRV
               any text for TXT, spf definition text for SPF
               coordinates for LOC (see RFC 1876 section 3)
   [ttl]       Time To Live, 1 = auto
   [prio]      required only by MX and SRV records, enter "10" if unsure
   These ones are only for SRV records:
   [service]   service name, eg. "sip"
   [protocol]  tcp, udp, tls
   [weight]    relative weight for records with the same priority
   [port]      layer-4 port number
$ cloudflare add whitelist
Usage: cloudflare add [<whitelist | blacklist | challenge>] [<IP | IP/mask | country_code>] [note]
$ cloudflare delete
   zone, record, listing
$ cloudflare delete zone
Usage: cloudflare delete zone <name>
$ cloudflare delete record
Usage: cloudflare delete record [<record-name> [<type> | first] | [<zone-name>|<zone-id>] <record-id>]
$ cloudflare delete record ftp.example.net
$ cloudflare delete record example.net 1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef
$ cloudflare delete listing
Usage: cloudflare delete listing [<IP | IP range | country_code | ID | note_fragment>] [first]
$ cloudflare change
   zone, record
$ cloudflare change zone
Usage: cloudflare change zone <zone> <setting> <value> [<setting> <value> [ ... ]]
$ cloudflare change zone example.net
   security_level [under_attack | high | medium | low | essentially_off]
   cache_level [aggressive | basic | simplified]
   rocket_loader [on | off | manual]
   minify <any variation of css, html, js delimited by comma>
   development_mode [on | off]
   mirage [on | off]
   ipv6 [on | off]
Other: see output of 'show zone' command
$ cloudflare change record
Usage: cloudflare set record <name> [type <type> | first] <setting> <value> [<setting> <value> [ ... ]]
You must enter record type (A, MX, ...) when the record's name is ambiguous, or enter "first" to modify the first matching record in the zone.
  name           Rename the record
  [new]type      Change type
  content        See description in 'add record' command
  ttl            See description in 'add record' command
  proxied        Turn CF proxying on/off
$ cloudflare clear
$ cloudflare clear cache
Usage: cloudflare clear cache <zone>
$ cloudflare invalidate
Usage: cloudflare invalidate <url-1> [url-2 [url-3 [...]]]
$ cloudflare check
$ cloudflare check zone
Usage: cloudflare check zone <zone>


  • bash 4.x
  • curl
  • php (php-cli) 5.x


CLI utility managing CloudFlare services using CloudFlare API


Language:Shell 100.0%