pikpikcu / XRCross

XRCross is a Reconstruction, Scanner, and a tool for penetration / BugBounty testing. This tool was built to test (XSS|SSRF|CORS|SSTI|IDOR|RCE|LFI|SQLI) vulnerabilities

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Blind SSRF testing log error

ltiisidii opened this issue · comments

I get this error:

Start [ Blind SSRF testing...]
sed: can't read site.com/ssrf/site.com-ssrf2.txt: No such file or directory
./XRCross: line 69: site.com/ssrf/site.com-ssrf3.txt: No such file or directory

Success Saved:[site.com/site.com-ssrf3.txt]

on line 67 save the file in $ output / $ site-ssrf2.txt
but on line 68 look for it in $ output / ssrf / $ site-ssrf2.txt

this is correct?

hey @ltiisidii
thank you for the notification, I've fixed it, let me know if there is any problem.

I get this error:

Start [ Blind SSRF testing...]
sed: can't read site.com/ssrf/site.com-ssrf2.txt: No such file or directory
./XRCross: line 69: site.com/ssrf/site.com-ssrf3.txt: No such file or directory

Success Saved:[site.com/site.com-ssrf3.txt]

on line 67 save the file in $ output / $ site-ssrf2.txt
but on line 68 look for it in $ output / ssrf / $ site-ssrf2.txt

this is correct?

./XRCross -u site.com

finish running with site.com-ssrf3.txt :D