piface / pifacerelayplus

Python interface for PiFace Relay Plus.

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Can't initialize piface. Defective board?

Akmp40 opened this issue · comments

I've been trying to troubleshoot this issue for a while now and don't know how to continue troubleshooting this.

I'm using a Raspberry pi 3 B+
My address-jumpers are in the correct position on the PiFace.
I'm using the 0.2.7 librares
Installed Debian packages v0.2.0 for pifaceplus and v4.2.1 for PiFace Common.

When initializing the piface with.
pfr = pifacerelayplus.PiFaceRelayPlus(pifacerelayplus.RELAY)
It can't be found.
pifacerelayplus.core.NoPiFaceRelayPlusDetectedError: No PiFace Relay Plus board detected (hardware_addr=0, bus=0, chip_select=0).

How should i continue troubleshooting this?
Is it defective?

So of course after troubleshooting for a long time it took a couple of minutes to fix it after explaining it here....
I had to manually install the python3 distribution packages for pifacerelayplus and pifacerelay common.
I downloaded the neccesary files from
Building and installing with setup.py i now had the correct distribution packages for python3 and it's now working.

Thanks !