pietropizzi / GridStack

A flexible grid layout view for SwiftUI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tap gesture doesn't work

brightfuture opened this issue · comments

for the cells i created,
the tap gesture added to the view doesn't work.

Sorry to hear, but I would need more info / see some code, if you need any help.

Am having this same error too!

GridStack(minCellWidth: 75, spacing:2, numItems: 100) { index, cellWidth in
               GridCell(imageUrl:"some image url")
                   .onTapGesture {

                  // Any code or method inside here does not get called

Interesting. Thanks for the report. Not sure I'll have time to look into it too soon.

@toyinswift have you found any solution regarding this ? I am trying to go to another view from an image. But it does not allow me to do this.

Did you try embedding a Button() with the background image set from the URL? I'm using it this way and it works.

 GridStack(minCellWidth: 130, spacing: 10, numItems: storyPointList.count) { index, cellWidth  in

                    Button(action: {
                        print("The user has opened the \(storyPointList[index].points) card.")
                        self.selectedIndex = storyPointList[index].position

                        }) {

                        // This is a custom rectangle. 
                        PointCard(storyPoint: storyPointList[index])
                            .frame(width: cellWidth, height: cellWidth * 0.66)
                .sheet(isPresented: $showingDetail) {

                    // If the selected index is the question, then pass the question details.
                    if self.selectedIndex == 9 {
                        AlternateQuestionView(storyPoint: storyPointList[9])
                    } else {
                        CardView(storyPoint: storyPointList[self.selectedIndex])

I mean, in this context it works for me.