pierresaid / SOEN487-ResoluteLeopards

Micro-services Application in VueJs and Flask

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Get all posts with pagination

pierresaid opened this issue · comments



This route should return posts_per_page number of posts with an offset of page * posts_per_page

params description
page the pagination number
posts_per_page number of posts per pages
userid id of the user to use for user_vote in response


        "id": "1",
        "title": "Wich one is nicer ?",
        "url_one": "https://cat.png",
        "url_two": "https://dog.png",
        "author_id" : 1,
        "author_name" : "Clem",
        "votes_one": 42,
        "votes_two": 445,
        "user_vote": -1 || 0 || 1
field description
votes_one number of votes for the first picture (url_one)
votes_two number of votes for the second picture (url_two)
user_vote the vote of the user referenced in user_id in route parameters -1 if no vote 0 if first 1 if second

Add author_name in the response

Votes are returned from the route. Still missing the author_name which needs to be fetched from the user_db.