pierreis / MadNet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mad Network Layer 1

Environment Setup

First, clone this repository. Next, clone the bridge repository to the same directory as MadNet; that is, if this repository is located at the path ~/mn/MadNet, then the bridge repository should be located at the path ~/mn/bridge. Also, clone the MadNetWallet-JS repository; directions for installing the Wallet software will be described below.

Build MadNet

To build the project, run the following command in the root of the repository:

make build

Build Wallet

Install NodeJS

Run the following commands to install NodeJS:

sudo apt -y install curl dirmngr apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

This is required to build the wallet.

Install Wallet

Inside the MadNetWallet-JS repository, execute the following to build the wallet:

npm install

In the same repository, we now need to create ./tests/.env with the following contents:


This is required for the tests to run.

Setup Test Environment

Local execution

In order to initialize a chain with all validators online and a valid group key, we use the snapshot.zip file and then proceed from a valid snapshot of the chain. The commands which follow enable all tests to be run except for the ETHDKG test; this test is described in its entirety here.

First, build the latest version of the repository. We now setup the bootnode to allow for communication between the nodes:


First execute


This will restore the testnet Ethereum database and the validator databases and allows us to not have to run ETHDKG to test functionality. This script must run to completion before continuing the test setup.

Open a new terminal and run


Open five additional terminals and execute the validator scripts


The first 4 validators (validator0 -- validator3) mine transactions. validator4 sends transactions to the other validators.

The validators load their configuration from assets/config, and use the following ports for P2P communication:

  • validator0: 4242
  • validator1: 4243
  • validator2: 4244
  • validator3: 4245
  • validator4: 5343

Deposits are required in order to submit DataStores. Run the following at least 4 times in order to deposit enough funds to inject datastores.

./madnet --config=./assets/config/owner.toml utils deposit

Note that DataStores are injected in the Wallet-JS tests, so submitting these deposits are required for the tests to be successful.

At this point, the testnet should now be ready to run the standard tests.

With Docker Compose

A local test cluster can be started with Docker Compose. Open a new terminal and run:

docker-compose up

This will build the docker images for geth and madnet, and start geth, the bootnode and validators. The five validators are performing the same task as with the local execution and mount their configuration from assets/config. They do bind the P2P poers on the bost machine.

Test Sequences

In order to run the Wallet-JS and standard MadNet tests, ensure the Test Environment is set up according to Setup Test Environment. The ETHDKG Test runs the entire distributed key generation procedure and has its own protocol.

Wallet-JS Tests

First, ensure the wallet has been compiled. In the root of the Wallet repository, run the following:

npm test

Use mocha to run a specific subset of tests. For example, execute the following to run the Account tests:

npx mocha --timeout 45000 tests/account.js

Standard MadNet Tests

First, run the Wallet-JS tests; only run these MadNet tests if all the wallet tests pass.

Inject DataStore Test

The first test we run is to inject datastores into MadNet. Go to ./cmd/testutils/inject/ and run the following command:

go run . -d -m=<message> -i=<index>

As noted in the test setup, deposits to MadNet are required in order for the datastore tests to succeed. Successful completion of this test requires that the datastores be consumed upon expiration; datastore expiration and consumption is discussed below and is not considered part of this test. We describe how to interact with MadNet in order to view the contents of a DataStore here.

Spam Transactions Test

Upon successful completion of DataStore injection, we proceed to inject many transactions to Madnet:

go run . -b <baseIdx> -n <numChildren>

numChildren will specify the number of the transactions that are submitted every second.

Random Kill and Restart

Randomly kill and restart the individual validators. There should be no noticeable change in the behavior of the other validators and MadNet consensus should not be affected.

Extended Kill and Restart

Randomly kill one validator for an extended period; in particular, let at least 10 blocks pass before restarting the killed validator. This will cause the validator to be out of sync. The validator should be able to rejoin and resync without much delay.

Kill Half Nodes and Restart

Kill half the validators. This will cause the remaining validators to stop because they are unable to reach consensus due to a lack of validators. After waiting for at least 20 seconds, restart the killed validators. After resynchronizing, consensus should continue as before and blocks should be mined.

Kill All Nodes and Restart

Shut down all the validators. Wait at least 20 seconds and restart all of them. Once the validators are resynchronized, blocks should continue to be mined as though the shutdown did not occur.

DataStore Consumption Test

There are 1024 blocks per epoch; this is defined in ./constants/shared.go as EpochLength = 1024. Blocks are mined approximately every 6 seconds, so one epoch lasts over one hour. The DataStore test stores the datastore for 5 epochs, implying the data would be stored for over 8.5 hours. To make this test more reasonable and ensure that datastores are consumed, change EpochLength = 16.


This test requires a different set of commands than the previous tests and all commands have been included. First ensure the project has been built. From here, start the bootnode:


Now, setup a local geth environment:


This differs from the standard tests because the standard tests store a valid snapshot of data after ETHDKG has been completed in order to save time when running tests. On the Ethereum mainnet, this test would take approximately 40 minutes; on the testnet, this test should take approximately 20 minutes.

Remove all directories containing previous validator information:

rm -r ~/validator*

We now deploy the ETHDKG smart contract, approve tokens, transfer tokens to the validators, and register the validators:

./scripts/deploy.sh && ./scripts/approvetokens.sh && ./scripts/transfertokens.sh && ./scripts/register.sh

This script must run to completion before the test continues.

We now turn on the validators:


Note that we do not run validator4 at this time; it is not required for this test.

We now wait for the validators to synchronize with the Ethereum (or testnet) blockchain. We will look for InSync: false -> true in the log statements. Once the validators are synched, we finally run ETHDKG:


Once completed, the validators will start mining blocks.


API Docs and Limited GUI

The swagger-ui for the localRPC of a validator may be found at http://localhost:####/swagger/ ; the default port for validator4 is 8888. Thus, you may speak to validator 4 (a non-mining node) at http://localhost:8888/swagger/ .

View DataStore

Tests involving datastores require being able to determine whether the datastores are present. One way to ensure this is using the Swagger API.

To understand how to run through this, we run an example. We assume that the test environment has been successfully setup and that the Swagger API is available. Furthermore, validator4 must be running.

We submit

go run . -d -m=hello -i=foo

This test submits a DataStore of message hello at index foo and then overwrites the DataStore, setting the value to hello-two Here is a truncation of the output:

Running in DataStore Mode
Consumed Value:12000    ValueOut:2695
DS:  index:4943a3029516011ac24ba62f5e4183eb6e7dbbe8a3c6644fbc3a515188eef7f8    deposit:2695    EpochOfExpire:7    msg:hello-two
Consumed Value:12000    ValueOut:2695
Consumed Value:12000    ValueOut:12000
Getting Tx  err: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = unknown transaction: d3e6cc649be314aca13c9172c2b5bb9faa9a389440e277c323a0d9cbcfcd0ed5
Sending Tx
Sending Tx  err: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = the object is invalid:utxoID already in trie
GetMinedTransaction Tx  err: <nil>

Here, d3e6cc649be314aca13c9172c2b5bb9faa9a389440e277c323a0d9cbcfcd0ed5 (64 hex characters on the fourth-from-bottom line) is the TxHash of the transaction of which overwrote the original transaction we submitted. As noted above, the original message is hello and the new message is hello-two In the Swagger API, if we click on get-mined-transaction and set the TxHash value to d3e6cc649be314aca13c9172c2b5bb9faa9a389440e277c323a0d9cbcfcd0ed5. Here is a portion of the transaction:

"DataStore": {
  "DSLinker": {
    "DSPreImage": {
      "ChainID": 42,
      "Index": "4943a3029516011ac24ba62f5e4183eb6e7dbbe8a3c6644fbc3a515188eef7f8",
      "IssuedAt": 1,
      "Deposit": 2695,
      "RawData": "68656c6c6f2d74776f",
      "Owner": "0301546f99f244b7b58b855330ae0e2bc1b30b41302f"
    "TxHash": "d3e6cc649be314aca13c9172c2b5bb9faa9a389440e277c323a0d9cbcfcd0ed5"
  "Signature": "03018e362b2f4fade93d4b06f1cd32b43a8905ccf6dce9f2326a0411a96b652211026671c240cc5d0a23335eabe10a5accd0199dc0dec050f0ec463af8130235557d00"

Although we could use the value of Rawdata to obtain its value, we will use another Swagger API call. This is useful because upon consumption, Rawdata will not be present and this will ensure that the DataStore was consumed as expected. Instead, we will use get-data, which requires the CurveSpec, Account, and Index. We have CurveSpec = 1 because the test uses the Secp256k1 elliptic curve. The value for Account comes from removing the first 4 characters of the Owner hexidecimal string. Index can be copied directly from above. Thus, we enter

  "CurveSpec": 1,
  "Account": "546f99f244b7b58b855330ae0e2bc1b30b41302f",
  "Index": "4943a3029516011ac24ba62f5e4183eb6e7dbbe8a3c6644fbc3a515188eef7f8"

Upon execution, we have

  "Rawdata": "68656c6c6f2d74776f"

This matches Rawdata from the transaction and decodes to hello-two, as expected.

If a DataStore is not present, then a "Key not found" error will be returned; this error will happen when the DataStore is consumed.

Programmatic Interaction

The localRPC directory contains a client library that abstracts the localRPC system for easier development.

Graphical Wallet

Coming soon


License:MIT License


Language:Go 99.4%Language:Solidity 0.4%Language:Cap'n Proto 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%Language:C 0.0%Language:Assembly 0.0%Language:HTML 0.0%Language:Dockerfile 0.0%Language:Makefile 0.0%