pieroxy / lz-string

LZ-based compression algorithm for JavaScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Chrome virus warning with compressToEncodedURIComponent URL

rrjanbiah opened this issue · comments

When the page contains URL formed by compressToEncodedURIComponent, I am randomly getting virus warning from Chrome.

Anyone has any solution for the same?

Can you provide an example? It should be pastable in here as source code (triple backticks on their own lines, and the data between) - can you also tell me if you're using any antivirus software (feel free to send by email via the link in https://github.com/pieroxy/lz-string/blob/master/SECURITY.md). Screenshots would also be appreciated.

Just to be clear this is a false positive - but would be good to figure out how and why it's getting triggered!!


I am sorry that I cannot share the exact code due to NDA. But however I will try to reproduce the same on any PoC code. I was trying to encode the JSON object and trying to pass that in the URL (it is working good when there is no warning from Chrome)