pieroxy / lz-string

LZ-based compression algorithm for JavaScript

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What shall we do with the many snippets I've built up over the last year?

JobLeonard opened this issue · comments

So I have time to spare to (finally!) start merging the changes from my branch to here.

The thing is, I have some undesignated snippets here and there:

Shall I add these? How shall we organize them?

I was going to say add them to the wiki, but it's not enabled - how about a snippets folder that's ignored by npm publish, and gives a starting point for doing things. If it's put on a separate branch then it's also not going to pollute the source at all, and makes it easier to organise them.

I think quite a few of them will be very relevant to things once we get the future plans locked down and started :-)